for everything from gym wear and training aids, to supplements and
equipment hire...
At Cairns City Fitness we stock and sell a diverse assortment of fitness
products at reasonable prices, through our very own Pro
Shop. The type of products available to our existing members
and interested shoppers include, only the coolest fitness and gym
wear, training aids, supplements and refreshments as well as
monitoring systems and fitness equipment.
short to tall, big and small, we stock only the best variety of gym
wear at our centre, aimed to suit the needs of all those who shop
here. The clothing we stock vary according to the most modern and up
to date brands and styles available on the market. The majority of
our gym wear are products of Rockwear
one of the most popular in fitness, throughout Australia.
Training Aids
provide quality assistance in the training program of your choice, a
number of training aids are made available through the Pro Shop.
Some of the training aids on sale, comprise of the different sorts
of gloves, belts, straps and supports.
Supplements & Refreshments
catering for the more serious fitness individuals, a selection of
vitamins and fitness supplements are provided at the centre. The
supplements offered consist of a variety of sports and fitness
vitamins and protein powders, to keep your body healthy and full of
energy during your workout. In addition to this, suitable
refreshments such as health, sports and soft drinks are readily
attainable, along with the usual tea and coffee.
Monitoring Systems
In effectively
monitoring your progress and development, the necessary body
monitoring systems and equipment are present for use. Included
in this equipment are theTanita Body composition
scales to accurately measure your body fat percentage, and
particular heart rate monitors.
For more information on any of the products, please contact Keith Saunders at [email protected] |